First Impression Post #1

For my 1st First Impression Post, I chose to watch one of the Mythbusters videos then give my response to it. The video was titled “Shockwave Jam” and answers the question of “Does weaving through traffic actually get you to your destination faster?”

While watching the video I noticed several strengths of the experiment such as leaving at the same time of day so they would be driving through the same amount of traffic. Also both of the drivers were just regular people, with equal driving experience.

After watching the video I looked at their experiment set up and noticed a few weaknesses. The speed of the cars in the lane is always changing and the lane that he couldn’t change out of may have been faster or slower than the lanes the other car was weaving in and out of. The car in that couldn’t change lanes could be stuck behind a really slow driver one day and not the next. Also, it doesn’t account of other crazy drivers on the road, if weaving in and out of the lanes is worth risking your life. This could be fixed by setting limits on how fast each of the cars can drive.

One thought on “First Impression Post #1”

  1. Hi Alana! You did a great job noticing the controls of the experiment, like that they were both travelling during rush hour on the same day, same time, same road. This part is crucial to yielding accurate and comparable results. You’re also right in pointing out that one individual driver may have the potential to mess things up, and you offer a viable solution of setting a speed limit, but how can this be addressed if the speed limit set by both drivers is too fast for the cars in front or too slow for the cars behind? Other drivers may become angry with our test drivers driving at a rate that doesn’t work with them. Running this test on multiple days, even without speed limits, may fix this issue, as you said, since there will be new drivers around each time.


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